Stockton Baptist Church
What To Expect On Your First Sunday
Our worship at Stockton Baptist Church is uplifting, traditional, and reflective. It is our desire during the music portion of our service to turn our focus on God and not on us.
We love children of all ages here at Stockton Baptist Church and provide excellent childcare at each one of our services.
If you have a baby three years or younger we would ask that, out of respect for others, you register them in our nursery. A pager will be provided to you so we can contact you immediately if your child has any needs during service. We also have classes for kids at all ages from k5 - twelfth grade on sunday morning at 9:45AM. Our ushers or greeters can direct you to the location of their classes.
We did not invite you to Stockton Baptist Church for your money. Our desire is that our service would be a gift to you. So don't feel obligated to give during the offering time. All we ask is that you fill out the connection card that is provided to you in the front of this Guest Welcome Booklet so that we can have a record of your visit.
The Prayer Invitation
Jesus said in Matthew 21:13 "My house shall be called the house of prayer." At the end of each service we take a few moments and give people an opportunity to spend time in private prayer. Some folks will come down towards the front of the auditorium to kneel and pray, others will pray at their seats. Feel free to do whatever is most comfortable for you. If you would like to talk to someone, we have counselors ready to meet you at the front of the auditorium durning this time.
At Stockton Baptist Church we don't have a dress code. Many of our ministry leaders wear traditional "Sunday" dress, however, our main goal is that you would feel comfortable and welcome on your visits here at Stockton Baptist Church.
Additional Information
If you have any questions or if there is anything we can do for you while you are at Stockton Baptist Church, please do not hesitate to let us know. We have ushers available to answer any questions you might have. Thank you for considering to visit Stockton Baptist Church. It will be our honor to have you as our guest.

Located off the 99 Hwy/ E. Frontage Rd. At Stockton Baptist Church we believe that God has an exciting plan for your life, and we want to be part of it. We have already established many ministries to serve your entire family. Bring your family to the church that’s here for you.